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External Subject Selection Form

This page is only for students with confirmed offers for September 2025 entry.

Please select one subject from each block (you cannot select two in the same block). This can be an A level or Level 3 BTEC

Please ensure you have carefully read the entry requirements and subject specific grade requirements.

For the subject blocks overview, please click here

Please note: Students who don’t achieve at least a grade 4 in Maths will be required to attend additional re-sit classes

We cannot guarantee your subject choices, however we will endeavor to give you your priority subjects.

Please note: you will not be able to study courses in which you haven’t achieved the required grades. If a course becomes full, priority will be given to students who initially selected this subject and ranked it as choice 1 or 2.

Please arrange your subject choices in rank order 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th choice

Induction Day - Monday 30th June 2025: 8.45am arrival for 9am start - Day finishes 3pm.*

If you require any assistance in completing this form please email