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A Level Photography

Curriculum overview for A Level Photography

Curriculum intent – the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will learn
During the A Level Photography course, students will be introduced to a range of stimulating photographic opportunities and will explore how lighting, lens, camera functions, digital and traditional techniques are used to manipulate imagery at an intermediate and advanced level. Photography is more than documenting and recording. Students are required to develop personal, meaningful, conceptual ideas that are technically accomplished through lens based or traditional methods. They are introduced to a variety of experiences that explore a range of photographic media, techniques and processes and are made aware of both traditional and new technologies. Students explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design, from the past and from recent times, including European and non-European examples, which is integral to the investigating and making process. Students' responses to these examples are shown through practical and critical activities that demonstrate their understanding of different styles, genres and traditions. 

Curriculum implementation – teaching, learning and assessment strategies
The A Level Photography course is sequenced to project progress in sophistication, so that students transition from teacher-led activities to independent learning. Each project requires a written task, which trains students for the first assessed assignment: Component 1 – the Personal Investigation. Students learn to master camera functions and post editing software previously learnt in Key Stage 4 to a much higher standard. They make use of digital workbooks to underpin their work and may decide to develop their drawing skills in order to produce storyboards, thumbnail sketches and/or diagrams, where appropriate. Students use traditional methods and/or digital techniques to produce images. They are required to visit local libraries to investigate contextual resources and photography hand books on the topic of interest and are encouraged to visit galleries, museums and libraries to support practical investigation. 

Curriculum impact – intended outcomes for students 
As a result of developing the specific learning, knowledge, skills and understanding required of A Level Fine Art, students will be prepared to pursue Higher level education in this creative area. 

Course overview for A Level Photography
Exam board: AQA
Coursework: Yes - On-going assessment

Component 1 – Personal Investigation
60% of the qualification
Window for assessment: September 2024 – 31st January 2026
Internally set assignment

Component 2 – Examination
40% of the qualification 
Window for assessment: 1st February 2026 – 31st April 2026
External assignment set by the exam board