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BTEC Level 3 Business

Curriculum overview for BTEC Level 3 Business

Curriculum intent – the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will learn
Students will build knowledge and understanding of the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive. They will gain skills relating to, and an understanding of, how a marketing campaign is developed, as well as acquire an understanding of the purpose and importance of personal and business finance. Students will develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information. They will explore how the recruitment process is carried out in a business and have the opportunity to participate in selection interviews and review their performance, thus developing their ability to confidently present themselves in a formal interview setting. Students will develop the ability to applying theory to a range of business contexts as well as being able to reach decisions which are based on balanced evaluation and, as such, are sustained. Throughout the BTEC Business course, students will acquire the ability to apply a range of analytical tools to various contexts, including their own strengths and weaknesses with a view to making judgements about the relative importance of a range of factors.

Curriculum implementation – teaching, learning and assessment strategies
The sequencing of this course is based around the examination periods for the externally assessed units (Unit 2 to be examined in Spring of Year 12 and Unit 3 examined in January of Year 13). As such Unit 1 and Unit 2 are taught alongside one another in Year 12, with Unit 3 teaching beginning after the Unit 2 exam, allowing teaching of Unit 3 content to be completed with sufficient time for revision, practice and development of exam skills before January of Year 13. The final unit of coursework is completed in Spring of Year 13. Within each of the coursework units, the teaching for each learning aim is delivered prior to the students being given the opportunity to complete the Pass, Merit and Distinction tasks for that learning aim and this sequence is repeated for each learning aim within the unit. With the externally examined units, teaching follows the learning aims within the specification with theory being delivered and skills being taught and students then practising and securing these before moving on to the content of the subsequent learning aim. As this subject is assessed through a mixture of coursework and written examinations, students will face a range of assessment styles; coursework will be assessed by way of written report and within the examined units, students will tackle regular written assessments in the style of the examination in timed conditions. Students will also tackle regular low-stakes knowledge tests to consolidate the learning which has taken place. 

Curriculum impact – intended outcomes for students 
At Blackfen School, the intention is not to simply have young people studying Business at BTEC Level 3, but rather to create young people who have a genuine curiosity and love of the subject and may wish to continue their study in relevant disciplines after leaving Blackfen or use the skills and knowledge they have developed to enter the working world in an area of business. Students will develop their interest in and enthusiasm for Business and gain an understanding of a wide range of factors which affect businesses including the business environment, marketing, finance and human resources. 

Course overview for BTEC Level 3 Business
Exam board: Pearson - (
Coursework: Yes – 40%

Unit 1 - Exploring Business
Internal assessment
Window for assessment: Submission Spring 2 of Year 12

Unit 2 - Developing a Marketing Campaign
External assessment    
Window for assessment: Examined in Spring 2 of Year 12

Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance 
External assessment    
Window for assessment: Examined in Spring 1 of Year 13

Unit 8 - Recruitment and Selection Process
Internal assessment
Window for assessment: Submission Spring 2 of Year 13