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Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values

Raising aspirations - releasing potential


Blackfen School is a thriving and successful school community. We offer challenging learning within a supportive, respectful and inclusive environment.  


We believe in raising aspirations and inspiring a belief that ‘anything is possible’. We nurture the values of resilience, respect and responsibility, so that our students are ready to contribute positively to the wider community, now and in the future.


Our core values

Resilience Responsibility Respect



Living the vision and values at Blackfen School for Girls


At Blackfen School for Girls, we are committed to sharing and living our values, so that we raise the aspirations and release the potential of our whole school community. We believe that learning should be challenging for all students, and that it is possible for students to thrive on challenging learning because they know they are safe, supported, included and respected at school.


Resilience is a key attribute in achieving success in learning. Blackfen School promotes a ‘growth mindset’. This means helping all students realise that making mistakes and getting things wrong in their work is actually part of the learning process and that, whatever our starting point, we can all get better at something. Progress might be rapid in some aspects of school life, and it may be slow and very difficult in others and that’s okay. Resilience is continuing to learn, even when we don’t enjoy it or aren’t feeling at our best. Our inclusive ethos means we recognise that our students start at different points and we strive to ensure this is recognised and catered for in our adaptive teaching so that all experience success.


Responsibility includes accepting responsibility for our own learning and behaviour and understanding that, as a member of a responsible community, we care for one another and allow one another to learn and flourish. Being responsible includes coming to school on time every day, being prepared for learning by having the right equipment and uniform, completing our classwork and homework to the best of our ability and seeking support from staff if this is needed. Blackfen School for Girls aims to create a strong culture of care for all members of our community; we look out for one another, encourage and support our peers, and help everyone to do their best.


Respect is a core value in our diverse Blackfen community. We demonstrate respect of others when we listen to one another and to staff, look after our school environment and are punctual to school and our lessons. Respect means understanding that we never accept bullying or unkind behaviour and that we celebrate our diversity just as we celebrate our commonalities. Respect involves valuing and acknowledging the worth of others and oneself. Self-respect means that we maintain our own integrity by doing the right thing, even when we think no one is looking. We demonstrate respect at Blackfen by treating people with kindness, empathy and consideration, regardless of their status. This means our whole community-students, parents, staff-are valued and supported at Blackfen.