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Monday 3 June 2013

I was looking through a cupboard in my office recently when I came across a Head Teacher log book which stretches back to the day the school opened. Looking back I found the entry for June 2 1953 (Coronation Day). "20 girls in the charge of Mrs Wheeler and Miss Fuller went to reserved places on the Victoria Embankment to see the Coronation procession." On June 8th 1953..."School closed in the afternoon to enable the girls to be taken to see the State Drive of Her Majesty through South East London. A stretch of pavement in Westhorne Avenue was reserved for the school." These are real historic memories and the girls who attended these events will now be in their 70's. It is incredible to think that in all that time there has only been one monarch ruling over the country. A truly historical way to start the new half term.

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